How To Turn Your Swimming Pool Pump Back on After a Freeze
Be certain there is no ice in any equipment or plumbing.
If you see any ice around your property (frost/ice on roofs, ice on ground, gutters or cars) it is safer to wait before starting your pumps.
If you had ice on your property, your pool water temperature will be low and it will be fine to leave all equipment off while waiting for repairs.
Before Beginning Pool Pump Start-up
Thoroughly check all above ground equipment and plumbing for any visible cracks or damage.
If you see any damage, stop and call your pool professional, do not attempt to restart system.
Email us for any needed repairs (with pics if possible) to email:
[email protected]
A cracked filter or damaged plumbing can explode due to highly compressed air and will be a lethal projectile.
Always go to your equipment manufacturer's website and follow their general safety instructions for starting equipment.
All plumbing repairs should wait until temperatures are steadily above 50* before being made.
In times of wide spread damages we will schedule repairs by priority when temperatures are ideal for gluing plumbing.
Turning Your Pool Equipment Back On After A Freeze
1. If you removed drain plugs:
A. Lubricate drain plug o-rings with swimming pool lubricant, if you have any.
B. Re-install all drain plugs back on pumps, heater and filter. Do not overtighten.
2. Lubricate pump pot lid o-rings with swimming pool lubricant if you have any.
Be sure all o-rings are clean of any lint or debris, leave lid off pump until filled with water.
3. Fill pump pot with water, pot strainer basket should be left in pot.
Add enough water to pump pot that it water will overflow out the suction pipe to help fill some of the air gaps in underground plumbing.
4. Install pump lid back on pump pot, making sure lid o-ring does not come out of position.
Do not overly tighten pump pot lid. "Finger" tightening lid should be tight enough, there is no need to "hand" over-tighten lid.
4. Make sure filter air relief is open.
5. Turn pump on, then quickly move far away from pool equipment.
6. Immediately move out of sight of pool equipment and safely away from any flying debris if anything explodes.
Yearly people are killed by exploding pool equipment after doing routine maintenance to their equipment.
Please stay far away and out of sight from equipment while pump is forcing highly compressed air out of the system.
7. You will start to hear air being forced out of the filter air relief valve.
If you're only hearing air coming out of filter air relief valve, wait until all air is gone before returning to equipment, sometimes this can take a few minutes.
If there is allot of air in the plumbing it may take longer to prime.
* After a few minutes if you are not hearing any air coming out of filter air relief,
then turn pump off and repeat steps 3-7.
If pump will not prime after multiple attempts, please email us:
[email protected]
8. Wait until you only hear water spraying out of filter air relief valve and it will now be safe to look back at equipment.
From a distance, visually confirm only water is coming out of air relief valve, then close filter air relief.
9. Check equipment for any smaller leaks or additional damage.
Your system is now primed and can run on your normal schedule.
Your cleaner pump (if you have one) will not need to be primed.
Repeat these instructions for any other pumps that also need to be primed.
10. Check equipment status regularly for the next few hours and days for leaks or additional signs of damage.
11. Report any issues directly to our email (with pictures if possible):
[email protected]